Dr Michael Dixon GP, Chair of the College of Medicine, NHS England National Clinical Champion for Social Prescribing:
This is a remarkable magnum opus. The important thing is not only to stimulate the mind, but also to create a social experience. We must ensure that people with dementia can access social prescription at a very early point, because that enables us firstly to delay the onset of any deterioration but also to make sure that they are already linked to those arts interventions, familiar wi the group at an early stage, which might be more difficult as the disease progresses. It also gives their carer a support; and speaking as a GP gives patients another way of improving their lives and improving their health.
Evidence from over 400 experts in culture, health and wellbeing, dementia prevention and diagnosis, creative ageing and social prescribing, local authorities, examine:
- How engaging in A.R.T.S. (wide-ranging Activities to Revitalise The Soul) addresses modifiable risk factors for dementia and protects against the advance of cognitive decline
- Current diagnostic practice for dementia, with case studies from patients, how GPs and memory services offer or plan to offer social prescribing
- Social prescribing, creative ageing and A.R.T.S. for brain health, with case studies
- Models for collaborative practice, for arts organisations to raise awareness to social prescribing link workers and achieve sustainable A.R.T.S. programmes.